All the pictures except Tennis at Santa Marta (Xmas 1908) and Tijola Pig Market (1910) were taken in 1909.
The pictures above are (L - R) Tijola Pig Market; Country lane near Cantoria, Rio Almanzora on the right; Market at Tijola Level Crossing
{3/4/09 "To Tijola and Seron with Gillman and Browne. Higgins came down with us and we played Bridge all the way down, continuing the game at Gillman's on April 4th."}
The pictures below are (L - R) Purchena; Calle de Reyes Catolicos, Granada; In Granada
The full text of the journal entry for 3/7/09 is as follows: - AM
{"July 3rd. Left on mineral train 10.0pm for Baza and Almeria. Don Luis the notary asked for a lift - most talkative person more like a publican than a notary. Told me tale of prize game cock presented him by grateful client and innocently cooked by his wife! An awful scene afterwards at cockfight, where lovers of the sport wanted to hear of latest doings of the famous game cock "Brute! He’s eaten the finest cock in Andalusia! July 4. Arrived Baza 6.0am having slept fairly well in coach. Left 7.0am for Guadix. Here with three hours wait, took coach down to village and walked round. Guadix was most important centre in days of Moors, but is now no more than a small out of the world market town: railways have superseded diligences which used to stop here, and the position of the place, at the junction of several long valleys and main roads is no longer of strategic or commercial importance. Avery picturesque old place, but with no monuments of note and cathedral appears to be of comparatively recent date. There is a peculiar arch in the latter, one side thicker than the other, and in the curve of the nave. Left 12.20 for Almeria, most uninteresting journey through yellow arid valley of stones and iron ore, no houses no people until, at some 20 or 30 miles from Almeria, valley opens out into irrigated land, and become a green garden of vineyards. Almeria not very attractive. Much smaller than one anticipates. Consists of one long street or avenue, planted with trees and extending nearly to the wharves of the harbour, the town extending to East and West of the central avenue, with the usual Castle on the usual hill, to the East. The town seems too small for its 40,000 inhabitants, but one's impression when everyone strolls up and down, garbed in immaculate white duck or flannel and with fashionable hats, is that everyone seems prosperous. The theatres as usual in Spain are well filled, even with two or three performances a night, and in spite of the numbers of cafes with their little green tables outside, all seem to be patronised. Certainly the crowd looks cleaner and better dressed than in an English town of corresponding importance - although as my cicerone remarked, in England the people may not appear so prosperous, but on the other hand they would certainly not be so much in debt. Hotel Simon (old Hotel Paris) not comfortable and civility not kept in stock. Next time try the Continental. Called on the General Manager of the Sur de España railway and spent two days in offices settling claims and comparing notes. Señor Somera very affable and when we left, put on special coach and came down personally to wish us goodbye. The drive down the coast road in the evening is a real pleasure, town and harbour lit up by setting sun is seen to full advantage. July 6th. 11.40 to Granada - a hot tiring journey, arrived Hotel Victoria. Granada is a prosperous city, well kept with good hotels and electric tramways etc. Apart from position in fertile valley, must gain from annual influx of tourists. Too hot at this season to encourage sightseeing. On the 7th we went through the Alhambra and had an hour in the Cathedral: here saw what I had not seen before, the crypt with the actual coffins of Ferdinand and Isabella and Juana the Loca; the vault lit by electric light!! July 8th. Left Granada 7.20am arrived Baza 4pm Gillman waiting with special; and so home."}
The next picture is called "Granada Railway, crossing the unsafe bridge at Gor". Remember that the section Baza to Guadix was going to be part of the GSSR but never got built by them. The picture on the right shows the bridge today. For more pictures of this section of the railway go to The Baza to Granada line
In April 1908 George describes the "unsafe" bridge at Gor, the passengers having to go across on foot, the empty train following - AM.
This bridge received the funny name of "Puente de lata" or "Tin bridge". In this link we can see some photos, probably the rest of the collection taken by Gillman or Boag - AH: Lata Bridge
This picture is called "G Gillman and Delgado at the Summit of Cerro de Paja" and dated 4th May 1910. There is a Cerro de Paja near Alcantarilla but G Gillman being there apparently surveying seems unlikely. Who is Delgado? A mine owner obviously.
{4/5/10 "A long ride and climb up to site of Delgado's new mine, about 3000 feet above sea. Took a good photograph of group on top."}
The final two pictures are tennis scenes. The one on the left is at the "Railway Tennis Court" and the one on the right is "Tennis at Santa Marta"
{Christmas 1910 Played tennis at the Grahams on Christmas Eve and on 26/12.}
The Santa Marta country estate still exists. The owner, a very good friend of mine, Bartolomé Muñoz Marín (a friend of Mateo Casado as well) is the son of one of the Aguilas elders at that time, Bartolomé Muñoz Belda, who learned and played tennis with the British at the Railway Tennis Lawn (he is standing with a moustache and a hat at the back of the tea photo). I think the pictures of the Aguilas Tennis Lawn competition were shot on June, 1916 (as the magazine “Vida Aguileña” informed). The same magazine informed on November of the same year that a competition was running at that time and the trophy (a gold racket) was donated by George L. Boag (Vice president of the Club). The likely winners were Delfina de Medrano and Mrs. Frida Simpson. And the second prize it could be for Mrs. Rosita Muñoz Belda (Bartolomé’s sister) - AH.
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