All the pictures were taken between 1909 and 1912.
The pictures above are (L - R) On the road to Cullar (the road is now superseded by a dual carriageway); Fuente de San Juan, near Baza, A. Hamilton's house at Seron
The full text of the entry for 19 January 1910 is as follows -AM.
{"January 19. To Baza with Gillman. Left Aguilas 6am and saw brilliant sunrise from summit at 7am. Worth getting up early. Gillman inspected station weighbridge etc while I went into question Granada Railways books with auditor Sanchez. Afterwards walked through town: Market Day and lots of people about but I did not see any good groups to photograph. We did however snap two carts on the Cullar road and mine turned out a very good one. Also a view of Seron from Kilometre 99. Rather too big a subject for such a small camera. The fruit trees are in blossom all up the valley, and there is already quite a show."}
{30/11/09 November 29 to Baza with the Forbeses (sic). Here they are standing by our inspection coach (see next page - DG). I took them up to the Fuente San Juan, of which a photograph is shown"}
There is a photograph accompanying this entry, presumably of the Forbeses standing by the inspection coach, but it is too faded on my copy to make out any detail. The Fuente San Juan photograph is the same one as the one in the album - AM.
On the far right is what I believe to be the Fuente de San Juan today. The Fuente is situated in the foothills of the Sierra de Baza about 3km SW of the town.
Right is a view of the Herrerias Valley. This is situated about 3km from Seron towards Baza. I do not recall seeing any mention of this so presume the scheme came to nought.
{18/3/10 He went from Baza to Seron with Browne to join Gillman "who is making survey for River Herrerias water scheme in a gorge opposite Kilometer 104."}
Below left is a view of workings at the Bacares Mines. I can't equate this picture with any others I have with the mines. It might be the construction of what is called "The Iron Bridge" (see the Las Menas Picture gallery) but the topography does not really fit. Next there is a view of the Almanzora valley from Seron. Finally a view of Seron today.
{14/6/10 "Rode down to Seron after doing the round of the mines"}
{15/6/10 "Walked over to Seron town to try and get photograph"}
This is a great picture with a wealth of detail. On the left is the massive bank of the Seron Mine's hoppers. Feeding them is the overhead cables. Note the protection sheets over the railway lines to catch ore falling from the buckets. A train of hopper wagons waits under some of the loading chutes. They will soon be taken to El Hornillo for export. A shunter engine, which I believe to be the Hunslet No 100, formerly the property of the Hett - Maylor Construction Company, pulls a three flat wagons. Are the workmen riding them or have they just delivered the wood on the right? The station building is down the line on the right. The small picture shows the same view today.
{26.8/08 "To Seron and Kilom 108 with Browne and Bell."} Km108 was the loading bay for the Tesorero mines, see page 103 in my book.
This is one of the few decent pictures of a Kitson-Meyer articulated engines. This is No 50, the first of 3. For a description of the engine see page 138 of my book.
{22/12/08 "Trials (of the) new Kitson Meyer engines - not entirely satisfactory - Gillman, self and Browne to Seron and back to Zurgena where we took new engine up Bank with 9 wagons - she stalled near the top of the grade and we were stuck there two hours getting steam up again."}
This picture shows the construction of the massive hoppers at Km98 (Los Canos). Like Seron, these were fed from the mines in the Sierra de Filabres. Some of the cableway gantries have been built. The picture on the right shows the considerable remains of the hoppers in 2005. No cables although I did spot a rusty length on the floor. He went to Baza on this date (7/11/11) and back, so could have photographed the hoppers on the way - AM.
Finally, a picture of Gustave Gillman and George Boag at the top of the Sierra de Aguilon looking towards Aguilas which can just be seen in the distance. This mountain range is the one which caused so much trouble to get over between Pulpi and Aguilas.
{21/2/09 "Climbed the "Aguilon" peak with Gillman."}
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