This page contains information on the remains of the line from Baza to Guadix.
At Guadix. These were taken in 2002. The first picture is of a poster inside the station (second picture) protesting about the closure of the line to Baza and beyond. It says "We work together for the re-opening of the Guadix-Almendricos line. The parishes of Guadix, Baza and Huescar want a train! We demand the re-opening of the link between Andalucia and the east now! The third picture shows the overgrown Baza line leading off to the right.
These two pictures are taken in Hernan Valle. The station has vanished, I think, at least I could find no trace of it. The first is looking towards Guadix and the second towards Baza.
Here is the bridge at Gor where the railway had to make a huge loop in order to cross the ravine. The third picture shows the track making its way back towards Hernan Valle.
A View along the ravine near Gor
This is Gor Station, actually about 3km from Gor village.
This is Baul Station. Note the water pipe - quite different from the GSSR pipes. The same is true for the water tank. The last picture shows the impressive bridge over the equally impressive Arroyo de Baul
Looking towards Guadix from Baza. This was taken in 2002 and the rails have now gone.
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