Jersey. A dozen or so Bears went on this trip, some staying for a week. We outnumbered the islanders but a combination of singles and doubles kept the games flowing. With four lawns, nobody was kept waiting for long so with fine weather we spent a most enjoyable two days. As always, Jersey hospitality was excellent and we enjoyed lunches at the sports centre and evenings in La Colomberie (St Helier) and The Smugglers (Ouiasne Bay).
Austria. This was the first time that we had made a repeat visit to a club. It was every bit as good as the first time with Heinz and the Wolkersdorf members ensuring that we all had a great time. Once again the evening meals, particularly at the heuringers were terrific. With a large contingent of Bears and only a few Austrians, Don made up pairings from both clubs.
©Copyright Don Gaunt
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