Le Douet 1995, Guernsey 1996 and Bayeux 1999

Bear members, please contribute to this page! I have filled in as much as I can but I need pictures (I would like to have 7 for each place) and anecdotes from members. Also, please let me know of any errors. My thanks to those who have already contributed pictures. DLG

Le Douet 1995

The entrance The club house

The bear

Monique's Place A French Player

Location map

This was our first trip, to a private lawn in Brittany. The lawn was owned by a Madame Monique de la Gonfrey. My memories are not strong about the visit but I do remember a lawn in the courtyard of a farm, plus a couple of mini lawns elsewhere. There was a boot sale in the next field on the Sunday. I also recall a club room where there were dozens of old postcards of croquet being played, many of them on the beach. We had some of the meals in Madame's house (Chateaux) where we drank Pommeau and Calvados with sugar lumps. Richard had a small misunderstanding with Madame but nobody knows what had upset her. I have no idea if the lawn is still there, I believe that Bernard Witas, our contact in Brittany does not play there any more.

Guernsey 1996

The two teams The first night

The picnic

The parrot goes for a swim! The Guernsey team

St Peter Port Harbour

The little chapel Map showing the club grounds

My main memory of the visit was that of a bad wrist, making play painful. The courts at Guernsey were at the edge of a cricket pitch. Sadly the club is now no more. Somehow an inflatable parrot got into the act and went for a swim in the pool at an evening party. We stayed in a large house overlooking St Peter Port.

Bayeux 1999

Bayeux Visit Map of BCC

Bayeux Tapestry

This was a trip to Bayeux in conjunction with a number of other clubs including Surbiton who still go over annually. Yes, it really is a rugby pitch! the pitch was like concrete and I had to drill the holes for the hoops. The French were not very sportsmanlike when penalised for a late turn up. However, the food was good! Adrian somewhat overdid it on the Saturday night and was decidedly pale the next morning!

©Copyright Don Gaunt

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